Mark Human
Board Member
Mark Human is serving as a board Director at Close Protection Association of Kenya, he is also a Director at MDW and Personal Safety- Mark is tasked with quality control, research, testing, development and presentation of training programs for private citizens, law enforcement, security and military personnel. A large part of Marks focus is transferring course materials and presentation skills to MDW trainers and Personal Safety staff. For ACT RED Mark is tasked with planning, implementing physical intrusion exercises of barriers, detection systems and response of security/reaction teams to breaches of their physical external and internal security measures.
As an Instructor and Director of Personal Safety and MDW Mark travels and presents workshops around the world. Mark has done presentations and presented training programs and workshops in South Africa, Kenya, Mauritius, Brazil, Panama, USA, France, Norway, Sweden, Lithuania, Austria, Australia, Thailand, Finland, Poland, Greece, Malaysia (Safety and training methodology lectures to key law enforcement role players at the University of Monash-KL) , Philippines (Kali 3D International FMA Conference guest instructor and as a guest instructor at the IBC (International Body Guard Conference) hosted by Wodan in September 2019.
He is a curriculum developer and trainer for various South African Military (SASF- MRS-INFANRTY), National and Provincial Traffic, law enforcement, private law enforcement, security companies and nature conservation team members. Mark has done general training for these companies and institutions but the majority of the focus is on CQB, Specialised segments of HRT and “Anormal” scenarios- to complement existing sound practices and skills
Growing up in South Africa then living in the USA for an extended period as well as extensive travel around the world, provides Mark with a perspective to recognise common ground and differences that allow him flexibility to adapt universal concepts to work with different cultures and transfer skills effectively.
In his current role, he is the leading teacher of SIA trainers in the UK and is incredibly passionate about providing high-quality training to security professionals. As a result, Bob has recently featured as an expert on the BBC’s Maximum Security programme, where he discussed the importance of comprehensive training for SIA personnel.