At Greengro we understand that product quality is a consumer right and should form part of the ethos of the people that work for our company.
Our Quality team work closely with our growers and packhouse to ensure all of our operations are certified to the highest industry standards. A full quality report is conducted upon intake and sent via our QC system to our teams and growers throughout the supply chain.
All our suppliers are certified to assure that the product is produced according to industry best practices, ethically sourced, environmentally sustainable and fully traceable.

Managing a food supply chain has inherent challenges that require all players in the supply chain to adhere to stringent operational practices to ensure the product is fresh and safe for consumption once it reaches the end consumer. When fresh herbs are being transported, especially in a global supply chain, the procedures and equipment needed to maintain the integrity of the cold chain are critical.
At Greengro we understand this. Utilizing an efficient and reliable logistics strategy and supply chain management, we maintain end-to-end cold chain integrity, and guarantee freshness upon arrival. We have proper equipment and a dedicated quality assurance team that ensures the cold chain is not broken at any point.
To achieve the cold chain integrity, we have the following procedures in place
- Our Farms have incorporated cold rooms with attached pack houses to ensure the produce is immediately transferred to a cold environment after harvesting. The produce is sorted and packaged within adjoined pack houses with the required cold temperatures.
- Our trucks that transport the produce are all fitted with state-of-the-art refrigeration to maintain the cold temperatures while transporting the produce.
- Our warehouse at the airport provides cold storage for the produce awaiting dispatch to the client.
Greengro shipping method is selected according to the needs of the produce and customer requirement. Vegetables and Herbs are 100% air freight and are loaded directly onto the aircraft at the terminal few meters from the cold warehouse.

In order for quality to be fully implemented as a priority, the following aspects and commitments have been addressed:
- The Greengro company complies with the legal requirements of Agro Food quality, establishing product quality as a priority.
- Our clients will be informed with maximum brevity of any possible service issues in order to minimize the impact they may cause.
- Greengro production is supervised at every moment to ensure the quality and cleanliness of products for end consumers. Greengro implements a strict quality control and assurance system for its products.
- Currently, we work towards prioritizing quality, product safety, respect for the environment, and conservation of flora and fauna.
- Our company possesses a Code of Ethics based on the Agricultural Workers’ Convention of Kenya, which lays out the guidelines followed by Greengro within the scope of labor relations, in order to respect workers’ welfare.
Greengro integrally manages its farms within the globally recognized quality standards framework of GLOBALGAP. Likewise, its packaging facilities follow guidelines of the global quality reference of the BRC.
Quality and safety will be guaranteed as we follow through with the above-mentioned pledge and fully comply with our in-house Food Safety Plans and Protocols.
Our Technical and Market access team work together to ensure that all produce can be shipped and sold to any market in the world. In addition, our accreditation status provides that we conform to the highest Safety and Food Hygiene regulations to protect the consumer’s good health.
Certificates of Quality: