AUTOMOTIVE GAS OIL (AGO) D2 diesel, also called Gasoil, is a fuel oil that is the second distillate derived from crude oil. D2 diesel products contain different levels of sulfur and require no reformers or additives to produce.
Standard diesel fuel (sometimes called diesel oil) comes in two grades: Diesel #1 (or 1-D) and Diesel #2 (or 2-D). The higher the cetane number, the more volatile the fuel. Most diesel vehicles use fuel with a rating of 40 to 55 ppm. You won’t have to worry about which type to use because all diesel automakers specify Diesel #2 for normal driving conditions. Truckers use Diesel #2 to carry heavy loads for long distances at sustained speeds because it’s less volatile than Diesel #1 and provides greater fuel economy.
The Automotive Gas Oil, or AGO, is the name given to fuel intended for use in road vehicles (trucks, buses, vans and cars) powered by diesel engines. AGO is used in two main types of vehicle:
- heavy-duty vehicles, such as trucks and buses
- light-duty vehicles, such as vans and passenger cars.
Diesel usually is used in really heavy duties vehicles.